Thursday, February 19, 2009

A few things

*My mom has come and gone. She watched Saylor while Mas and I celebrated Valentines Day with dinner and a movie! Dinner without a toddler is so unbelievably peaceful and relaxing! Then she and I had a great time just hanging out, catching up, laughing at Saylor, and visiting the OKC National Memorial. It was so wonderful having her here for a few days--I really, really miss my mom!

*Saylor has been quite a little challenge the past couple of days! She is getting another tooth (or teeth maybe) and so that makes her a little irritable, but she also will not eat! UGH! All she wants is fruit and cheese! Nothing else! And the food she doesn't want she throws to Samson, or puts it down her sleeve or in her hair. Im slightly, well pretty frustrated but I know this comes with the territory (and her age). She has just always been such a good little eater--and I just knew we wouldn't have a problem with this! Just another one of those times I have to eat my words.

*My friend, Jessica got us tickets to the circus on Sunday! I can't wait to take Saylor and let her see an elephant up close! She will love it! (The elephants at the OKC Zoo are gone until then end of the year--they are being bred somewhere else)

*Mas doesn't come home from Alabama until Saturday evening! I really, really miss him!

*I got pulled over this morning and got a warning for not having an Oklahoma license plate or drivers license. I knew I needed to get it done but have been putting it off. I don't want an Oklahoma license plate, I wanna keep my Texas one. Isn't that silly!

*Im volunteering in the children's ministry at church on Wednesdays with my friend, Jessica and last night was my first official night! I'm really excited to get more involved and meet new people! I REALLY, really love our new church and am excited for all that God is doing there!

*I think that's it for now! Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!

1 comment:

The Bonjour Four said...

thats so funny she puts it in her hair. ha hahaha