Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I know that I have been majorly neglecting my blog and I still don't really have anything extremely interesting to write about now, but I thought I would list a few things we have been up to lately.

Me, my brother, and Saylor spent another beautiful afternoon at the zoo. (Tana and Ave were out of town and Mas was working).

We went to the Oklahoma State Fair and Disney on Ice. Saylor unfortunately wasn't that impressed. She didn't have a nap that day and she hasn't actually ever seen the movies they portrayed in the ice show--so we may try that again in a year or so. I think she was still a little young. I think if it would have been Elmo, though, it would have been a whole different story!

I'm so disappointed in the outcome of the last few Texas Tech games--that's all I will say about that. Let's hope things pick up in the coming weeks.

I went to Amarillo alone this past weekend because I had to do hospital competencies, but I went a few days early and spent some much needed quality time with my parents and grandparents! I also got to do lots of cuddling with baby Max who is now 6 weeks old! It was a WONDERFUL break! And Mas did an AMAZING job with Saylor for two days/nights. He took her to church and toddler play group all by himself while I was gone--and even did her hair! What a good daddy! I even came home to a clean house. Im a lucky girl!
I missed my baby girl so much, but she is having some MAJOR attitude since I've been home. I guess she's a little upset with me for leaving. Whew--I've been saying lots of prayers for patience today! But at the moment--she is sweetly slumbering with her little hiney in the air and I could just kiss her all over!

That's about it! Hopefully I'll find something fun to talk about soon!


Diane said...

Isn't it funny how with a child you are constantly busy but it doesn't feel like much has gone on?

Congrats to Mas for doing Saylor's hair. When Craig would "do" Kimberly's hair it involved just putting a baseball cap on her head. I don't think he would even comb it.

Love the hiney photo. Such a peaceful sleep.

Grandma Loretta said...

She is growing too fast. Kisses.