Monday, February 1, 2010


I am a little late posting this (we have had one crazy, busy month) but here is a picture recap of Saylor's second birthday party.

Lots of family came to town to celebrate with us! We were beyond thrilled that our families made the drive to Oklahoma City to partake in the birthday festivities.
Saylor's Papa, Yonna, Meme, GG, Grannie and Paul all came to visit her! (And of course Kellen, Tana, and Ave were partying with us also).

She had a ball! She loved the balloons and the cake the most. We had to MAKE her open her presents because she was so busy playing with the balloons. I will remember that next year!! She ate LOTS of cake and literally jumped up and down in her bed until at least 10:30 that night. Can you say SUGAR HIGH?

Meme, Aunt Tana, and Paul
Yonna and Uncle Kellen
Grannie and Saylor
Thanks again, guys, for making the trip. It means a lot to us to be able to celebrate our precious angel with you all!
And HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY my little pumpkin!!


Unknown said...

What a cute little outfit! And the cake looks too good to eat. Glad ya'll had fun.

libby said...

such a cutie! did you make her cake? so glad all of the family was able to celebrate with you guys!

Diane said...

I can't believe Saylor is 2. She is just adorable. I love her little pink bows.

Renae said...

What a cutie pie!! That was a cute cake.