Where did this baby go?
Yesterday Saylor turned eighteen months old. How did that happen? I’m gonna have to say all the cliché things that all parents do, but they really are true! It seems like just yesterday we laid our eyes on our sweet baby girl for the first time. It seems like just yesterday we brought her home. It seems like just yesterday she learned to roll over, and sit up, and crawl! Where has the time gone?!!
Her favorite things at eighteen months old:
~She still LOVES all animals. They fascinate her. She still sleeps with her big monkey that she calls “Ah Ah” (as in the sound a monkey makes “ooh ooh ahh, ahh”). She can make about a bajillion animal noises. Seriously. I really need to video it. It’s adorable. Sometimes I wonder if she will ever learn the name of some animals because she calls most of them by the sounds they make—like the monkey for example.
~She still LOVES to read. Her favorites at the moment are “Brown Bear Brown Bear” (which has been a favorite for quite a while now) and “The Little Mouse The Red Ripe Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear” which my mom read to us when we were little and I just love it! She is even starting to tell me what’s coming up in the book because we read them so often. (And of course I think that makes her brilliant :)
~She loves windmills (“in-miw”) for some reason. They have a huge wind farm between here and Amarillo, so she exclaims “in-miw, in-miw” over and over and over again for every single windmill she sees—and there are A LOT of them! And she gets so excited if she happens to see an occasional windmill here in town!
~She also points out EVERY SINGLE airplane (“aiwpane”) that passes our house or car all day long. Sometimes I am amazed that she can see the little speck in the sky, but she doesn’t miss a one!
~Her very best friend, besides Momma or Dada, is Averey! Saylor adores her and wants to hold her hand almost the whole time they are together. They are having so much fun together and I love that they are getting to spend so much time with one another!
~She loves food. Thankfully we have only had about one week ever that she did the “picky toddler” thing and refused to eat much. Her favorites are still fruit and cheese, though. Strawberries, oranges, and raspberries are her favorites right now.
~She loves the library. We go 2-3 times a week to their toddler activities and she is really getting to know other kids and slowly coming out of her shell when there are a lot of people around. (And it is also great for me to get to know other moms). We have learned lots of fun songs and games from the groups and she wants to me to sing them all the time at home. I love seeing how much she has learned since we first started going in November.
~She now knows three shapes—heart, star, and circle—and she loves to point them out to us whenever she can.
~She loves being outside—even in 105 degree heat, but she hates being barefoot in the grass. As soon as her little feet touch the grass she will sit down and stick her feet up in the air. She is such a girl! Her favorite things to do outside are ride in her car, blow bubbles, play with the water sprayer, put all kinds of things in her wagon and pull it around, and to help me water the flowers.
~She likes to help me brush my teeth. She will run to find me if she hears me in the other room brushing my teeth. She doesn’t think it is as exciting when I brush hers, though. She makes me smile!
~She loves for me to sing to her--just about any and everything. She has even started trying to sing Jesus Loves Me with me when I rock her before bed. MELTS MY HEART!
~I swear she learns a new word or two every day! Her vocabulary is constantly amazing me!
The most common things I hear from strangers (other than “she is beautiful” of course!):
~“She is so EXPRESSIVE”—Yes, she is! She takes after her momma on that one!
~“I love her hair”—Don’t know if they really love it, or just feel sorry for me that I have to TRY to manage that crazy mess! It’s a full time job!!
~“She is SO TALL”—yep, takes after her daddy. She has been in the 95 percentile in height since she was three months old. Mas thinks it’s wonderful that she is so tall. I, however, can foresee the difficulty in finding jeans to fit those long legs someday. And we already have trouble getting shirts to cover her long torso (and big ole belly). Some of her 2T shirts are too short.
My little princess is stubborn, sensitive, so sweet, and fully of personality. It has been a fast and amazing eighteen months. I really just want my baby to quit growing! I want to be able to rock her and hold her forever! What a beautiful blessing Miss Saylor is to us! She keeps us laughing!