This is the latest on the AC situation....thankfully our next door neighbor's dad is in the heating and air business. On Sunday night he came over to check things out. He spent almost TWO HOURS checking different things and thoroughly cleaning out the unit. (The guy that the warranty company sent spent less than 20 minutes and told us there was nothing they could do.) He also told us we had too many filters so we removed one. He did tell us that our unit was the original one that was put in when the house was built in 1985 and at that time the ACs here were only equipped for a max temperature of 95 degrees. Obviously that doesn't cut it here! So, we will need to replace it, but for now he bought us a few degrees by cleaning it out and removing a filter and later this week we are having some wind turbines installed in the roof so that should help some too, and maybe buy us a little time to get some estimates for a new AC. We have to do something fast though, because our electricity bill is going to be OUTRAGOUS! Our poor air conditioner runs non-stop, all day long until about 5 in the morning and then starts back up about 7. It's going to be a sad day in our house when that bill arrives.
Nothing else too exciting has been happening...just trying to stay cool. Saylor got to share her FIRST popsicle with me last weekend and we even went to the ice cream truck to get it. She loved it! (I know some of you are shocked that she got a popsicle--but it's just too hot to deprive the kid of a cold treat every now and then. I'm actually a little shocked at myself as well.)

Blowing bubbles with Dadda

She seems to think the bubble wand should actually go IN your mouth. And she doesn't seem too concerned with the soapy aftertaste!

Little more swimming pool fun!
She loves to wear our shoes
She's got some BIG shoes to fill!
I love all those cute pictures:) The picture of Saylor wearing her daddy's shoes is too cute.
I hope the air conditioning problem gets better soon. I can sympathize with a outrageous electricity bill....last summer we had a bill that was a little over $400. I was beyond sad, more like peeved, lol...I really hope your isn't anywhere near there!
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