Sunday, July 19, 2009

Back to TEXAS

Saylor and I tagged along with Mas last week when he went to Fort Worth for a conference for work. I was in need of a little mini vacay and some really nice cold air conditioning and I also went to see a few friends. My have things changed since we last stayed in a hotel with Miss Priss (when she was nine months old). She is a lot harder to entertain now in a little bitty hotel room. And my child is SO SCHEDULED and LOVES her routine. She had a hard time falling and staying asleep in her pack-n-play--especially since she could see us right there beside her in the same room! However, it was a really nice change of pace.

We got to see Lamont, who was in Mas' training class last year while we were living in hotels. He and Saylor had a special bond. At that time, she would rarely go to anyone but Mas and I, but she would gladly let Lamont hold and play with her. Lamont joined us for dinner most nights during our travels last year. It was great to see him again! We had not seen him since last October. Saylor didn't quite remember him at first, but soon warmed up to him. Here is pic of Lamont and Saylor--sorry it's terrible. I took it with my phone in a hotel room, but that's the only one I got.
Saylor and I also spent a day in Plano at my friend, Erin's mom's house. We hung out in their awesome pool and had some much needed girl time. Saylor loved the pool, their dogs, and climbing up and down the stairs! She would have gone up and down the stairs for hours if I would have let her. Thanks Erin and Karen for letting us hang out. We had so much fun!
We went and had dinner down in the Fort Worth Stockyards. It was so nice to be back in Texas for a few days.Here is Saylor showing us what a fish does.
Erin and Saylor
Erin and I--miss you friend!
We are actually going back to Fort Worth this coming weekend for some fun in the sun with our friends! More pictures to come!


Erin said...

So glad you guys came. I loved our pool time together and seeing Miss. SG. Hopefully see you Sunday!

Sturgy Fam said...

I love the fishy face:)