Monday, December 15, 2008

Good Word and Good Friends

Yesterday we visited People's Church for the second time and have really liked it both times--YAY!! Both times we went with our friends that just happen to move here, Snap (R.L) and Jessica. He just got transferred with his job a few weeks ago and we are soooooo glad that they are here!! What a blessing to have friends closer than 4 hours away! (They live about 40 min away--but again, still better than 4 hours).

Again, it's beginning to feel more and more like home here! Finding a church is a big part of that, and we (actually Mas) FINALLY met our neighbors and they seem really great (we were beginning to wonder).

Mas left again last night for Fort Worth and I am trying to stay as busy as humanly possible while stuck in a house because it's FREEZING cold outside. Wish me luck with that! Dont get me wrong, Saylor keeps me plenty busy, but I just wish we could take a walk or do something outside to break up the day a little! It hasn't even been 24 hours and I already miss him tons! Just knowing he isn't coming home tonight makes the day drag out a bit!

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