Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Crazy week!

We have had a crazy busy last week. Last Tuesday we made a mad dash to Amarillo to be there for the birth of our friends' baby! Ross and Missy and big brother Reid welcomed sweet baby Max into the world on Thursday, August 13th. He weighed a whopping 9 lbs 2 oz! What a precious, chunkly little thing he is! I am so glad that we were able to be there to help them welcome their little miracle into the world. We love you guys and wish we were right there to watch him grow every day. (These are the times I just H.A.T.E. living so far away, but I am thankful it is only a four hour drive. And thankfully Mas was off too, so I didn't have to handle the little munchkin in the car all by myself. Praise the Lord!)

My parents had already planned several weeks back that they would visit this last weekend, so after Max was born, we made another mad dash back to OKC so we could spend some fun family time with them. Unfortunately Mas had to work all weekend, so he just caught up with us here and there when he could. We went to the water park, pool, Bricktown, and lots of good places to eat! We had a great time with them.....I really, really miss us all being together. (And I was terrible and didn't take one single picture while they were here. Maybe because I was in a bathing suit half of the weekend.)
Other little random tidbits going on in our life right now:
~I'm working on getting my RN license in the state of Oklahoma so I can start working again, just a day a week or so. I was already beginning the paperwork, but laboring/delivering with Missy the other day made me that more motivated to get this done. I absolutely LOVE and MISS my job. Please be praying for our family that the Lord provides the perfect job for us!
~Mas has started P90X. He is actually in there dripping sweat as I type. I think it is a little too hard core for me. Or maybe I'm just lazy.
~We just bought Saylor SIZE EIGHT shoes tonight! Holy Cow!! She is growing like a weed. I know that is very random, but I just can't believe it!
~I'm sad that summer is almost over. I AM looking forward to some cooler weather, but I don't know what I'm gonna do when we can't play outside in the water every day. I think I will move to sunny southern California. Ok, maybe not. You see how much I complain about being four hours away from my friends and family. I don't think Cali would be worth it--even if it never snows. I'm rambling....
~Hope you all have a wonderful week!


Yonna said...

A big CONGRATS to Missy, Ross & Reid!
It WAS fun having the whole fam together (sorry we didn't get to see more of Mas) - looking forward to doing that again!
And you'd better NOT move to California!!
Love to all,

Julia Soler said...

That's awesome you are gonna get to start doing your nursing again...I can tell you really love it! ...and I am right there with you on the whole "what to do in the cold weather" deal. My kids get really rambunctious, and with 3 kids and a baby...its bound to wear on my nerves, lol. Thankfully on our second lot we have a big yard that is on a hill so if we get snow, we'll be sledding all day, lol