Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weekend Getaway--Part Tres

Ok, I'm way behind on blogging about last weekend, so I'm just gonna get it done real fast.
Last Sunday night, Saylor stayed at the Slott's house while Mas and I went out and celebrated our three year anniversary at Texas de Brazil! YUM-MO!! Oh my goodness, it was divine! And so nice to have dinner just the two of us! Thanks, guys for watching the little pumpkin so we could have a wonderful dinner!

Then Monday (our actual anniversary), Karen made us a delicious breakfast, then we went shopping at IKEA! I've checked them out online before several times, but this is the first time I've actually been! I could spend three days in there! Then Karen proved her culinary skills again at dinner. Mas is still talking about it, actually. I guess I will have to get the recipe. Thanks for feeding us! It was mah-velous!

Tuesday morning, we said goodbye to our great host/hostesses and headed for home!
Saylor, Erin and I

Also, this great weekend wouldn't have been possible without the greatest brother and sister-in-law! Kellen and Tana came over to our house and took care of Samson while we were gone! We so appreciate you guys! And Samson does too--considering he didn't have to spend 5 days in a kennel! Perks of having family in town again, hu.....

Best buddies, reunited

Mas: We have come a LONG way in the past three years and I can't wait to continue this amazing journey with you. I am so proud to call you my husband! Love you so, so much!


Jaden Berkeley and Mia said...

I have always wanted to eat there! I have heard mixed reviews but we are big meat eaters. So it is worth the price?

Sturgy Fam said...

I've always wanted to eat there too. Was it delicious?