Sunday, August 30, 2009

I got nothin'

I have nothing really to blog about so I thought I would share a few of the pictures I uploaded off my phone from the past month or so. Completely random, but I dont really have much else.

Saylor on the potty. She is still telling me occasionally that she needs to poop and actually makes it to the potty! Yay! (although I wish she would wait on me to take her to the potty in the mornings. The past three mornings I have had to change sheets because there has been poo leakage in her crib. Probably TMI, but oh well! It's frustrating the heck out of me. I have tried every possible diaper--with no luck! They just don't hold all she has to offer overnight. :) She is gonna love me for the picture someday!
Miss Priss helping me water the flowers. Isn't her little belly just kissable. She has really slimmed up everywhere else, but she is keepin' the belly! I love it!

A GIGANTIC spider in our garage. Saylor wanted to touch it and then sing Itsy Bitsy Spider. I love her!


Jaden Berkeley and Mia said...

Oh my gosh! That is the biggest spider I have ever seen!!! eeeeekkk. BTW. Saylor is so cute! I love that big cheezy grin!

Libby said...

oh my gosh that spider freaks me out! eeeek!! i totally forgot who sings it but i'll let you know! we had a great time in Amarillo. We didn't want to come back. :(

Sturgy Fam said...

Wow, that is a huge spider! Yay for potty time:) What a good girl!

Renae said...

First, Ssylor is so cute!!
Secondly, OH MY GOSH.. That spider is huge and would have freaked me totally out. Hopefully, you or someone was able to get kill it.

Spawns of Seaton said...

ok, I have to go along with everyone and say HOLY CRAP THAT SPIDER IS SO SCARY!!! It looks fake! Saylor is such a cutey!! Good luck with the potty's not the best thing in the world huh?