Miss Saylor hates to be dirty! I honestly don't think it's a problem and I prefer to believe that it is not my fault--however, Mas begs to differ.
Saylor is absolutely loving playing outside every day, but if she falls down, dirt or "diwt" as she calls it, sticks to her sweatly little palms. She refuses to continue playing until I get it all off. I've tried to toughen her up and tell her "it's ok, it's just dirt, you're fine". She isn't having it! (And I'm not complaining.)
Here she is telling me that her hands are dirty
Saylor is absolutely loving playing outside every day, but if she falls down, dirt or "diwt" as she calls it, sticks to her sweatly little palms. She refuses to continue playing until I get it all off. I've tried to toughen her up and tell her "it's ok, it's just dirt, you're fine". She isn't having it! (And I'm not complaining.)
Here she is telling me that her hands are dirty
Then later, she was telling me that her foot got dirty. See how concerned she is! he he
Hoooowwwww cute Sarah! I love reading your post. Always so creative! that made me laugh about her showing you her hands and feet that they are dirty. I'm probably doing the same thing to Noah. I am such a germophobe. funny thing is I was never that way before he was born.
Cute:) I wonder if Parker will mind being dirty?
Love the dirty feet picture & love her!!
How funny! Wish my kids hated getting dirty a little bit. They like to dig up my back yard and make mud messes, lol! And we always worried it was our dogs that would be digging up the yard, lo!
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